Learn more about the
extraordinary "Coffee Psychic" Jorianne, based near Chicago, Illinois,
a naturally gifted, accurate, and nationally
renowned psychic.
Jorianne the Coffee Psychic's services range from personal
readings and clearings, to house parties and public events, to radio and TV
appearances. With her psychic readings, Jorianne loves to help people with the serious questions
in their lives, while also entertaining with her upbeat style and sense of
Click on About Jorianne to learn more about what led her to her unique form of psychic divination, reading
the images formed by pouring cream into a cup of coffee!

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The easiest and fastest way to
contact Jorianne is by phone.
CALL 219-940-9292!
House Party Special!
Why have a tupperware party when you can have a Psychic House Party with Jorianne instead!
Minimum of 10 paying guests!
Call Jorianne now!
Call 219-940-9292 to book your House Party today
Book your own Seance
OR join me for this month's Seance on October 30!
Always held the last Sunday of the month at 6:30 PM.
not too late to book your seat; BOOK TODAY!
Limited seating, so call to reserve your spot now!
The monthly Seance is held every last Sunday. If you are looking to speak with your deceased relatives or Spirit guides and Angels, mark your calendar and call now!
Limit - 10 guests per Seance.
Call to reserve your seat:
219-940-9292 or 708-478-8792
Radio Show!!!
New Year, New Day and a New Show!
Make sure you join us every THURSDAY night for
"Your Psychic
at 8:00 pm CST,
streamed live at www.Blogtalkradio.com/Joriannethecoffeepsychic
support Jorianne's radio show! Jorianne counts on listener support to
enable these amazing on-air psychic readings to continue.